Archangel Metatron

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina

May 2014

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   May offers a new beginning and change of pace.  For some this month will bring relief and resolution from the problems of life.  The energy is quiet, stable, and filled with practical strength.  During this month of grand opportunities many of you may be considering a “resignation” in some area of your life.  It is time to shift situations and obligations that do not work for you.  May manifests opportunities for new commitments and contracts. 

As May begins the eclipse energies are still the driving force in human consciousness.   You may expect the full impact of the eclipse to manifest by the end of June.  Through May focus on monetary affairs.   This is the time to balance your checkbook, put things in order, and complete projects.  Evaluate your current condition, define what works, and make a plan to build savings.  Some may expect a certain degree of financial stress regarding home financing.  You may expect a turbulent stock market and currency fluctuations.

Mercury is prominent; this will be a busy time with a packed schedule.  Expect sudden opportunities to arrive.  There will be so many ideas and offers that your greatest challenge will be to choose well.  In some way all of the choices will challenge your comfort zone.    If you are to evolve you must push beyond your current limits and then test yourself.  These circumstances ensure that you develop your talents.  Center and focus then consider the offer that will allow you to evolve. 

May’s energetic alignment brings political change in North America.  The Mexican economy will experience difficulties and laws will be revised to solve this crisis.  The United States will be drawn into the situation.  Immigration is truly a crisis and must be resolved.  This situation is unlikely to be resolved until late September.  The issues will bring global awareness and this is the point.     

The Full Moon on the 14th will bring stress and each of you will be called to make a decision in some area of life.   You will meet obstacles and delays - concentration and dedication are required if you are going succeed.  The 15th brings charisma and magnetism.   After the 19th you may move forward with confidence.  The lights stimulate your creativity and you may find you perceive the world in a different way.   A new beginning is in store for nearly everyone on May 20th.  Celebrate the Age of Light for this is the time when it will truly manifest for all. 
Your efforts have been part of a long term cycle that has been in process since July 2013.  May 19th is the completion date.  Your rewards will arrive as a new energy cycle opens May 20th.  During the coming weeks you will find the healing you need and spiritual insights will guide you.  This is the time to master your use of energy.  This will allow you to be a source of healing energy for the collective consciousness.  Transformation will manifest on the personal and interpersonal levels. 

The Gemini New Moon on the 28th stimulates the world points.  Energy flows directly into the world as well as your life.  The astral cycles demand new choices, you must progress.  It is not acceptable for you to continue repeating the past.  Will these energies be experienced in a new way?    

Central Africa and Eastern Europe will be plagued with increased violence, explosions, and terrorist activities. 

In your life this energy stimulates your generosity and creativity.  You are likely to resolve interpersonal issues and settle disputes – the theme is restoring relationship peace. 
Your goal may be integration within your family group.  I caution each of you to guard your privacy and take care with what you share. 

The lights align in a fortunate combination that brings out your highest self in its most divine expression.  The Universe provides an energetic boost that will allow you to permanently heal your lower self.  Children of Light, awareness of your own responses brings evolution.  Anything is possible if you will embrace the light. 

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  I am the Metatron.