Archangel Metatron
Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are: Upheaval, Family, Home, Passion, Force, Minorities, Ideals, Beliefs, Happiness, Realism, Optimism, Balance, Freedom, and Responsibility.
Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius! As the month begins each of you will be busy, short of time, your days filled with errands, calls, and short trips. As your daily life occupies your attention you will also be given a unique view of the collective reality.
歡迎來到這個充份展現的水瓶座時代!隨著這個月開始,每一個你們都會是忙碌的,時間迫切,而且充滿了差使,電話和短途旅行。 由於你們的日常世界佔據了你們的注意力,對於這個集體的現實,你們也將會被給予一種獨特觀點。
June brings awareness of all that is wrong, but also the awareness of all things that are good! This awareness marks the cycle ending the human experience of polarity and opposition.
6月帶來了所有錯誤的覺知意識,但也意識到所有的一切事情都是好的! 這種覺知意識標記了人類兩極和對立經驗的循環終結。
As the energy brings balance to all aspects of opposition, each of you has the ability to balance your life. Beloved ones love is flowing. It does not matter what is wrong, each of you has the potential to find that which is right and experience personal fulfillment through this Divine energetic support.
隨著這股能量把平衡帶到了所有對立的面向,你們每一個人因此有能力去平衡你們的生活。 摯愛的人們,愛正在流動。 什麼是錯誤的並不要緊,你們每一個人都擁有潛力去找到什麼是正確的,並且透過這股神聖高能的支持來體驗個人履行的成就。
The Full Moon on June 2nd brings turbulent times and great potential for earth changes, geopolitical disturbances, and accidents. Take care of your personal well-being.
Beloved ones the Scrolls are being opened. The energy flow is coded as packets of light and scrolls of knowledge. This light will match dormant, folded, and closed structures that have always been present in your energy field. As the dormant structures are activated by the light flow specific knowledge will be activated within you. These are the times you have been waiting for.
The Gate of the Crucible opens on June 7th. Each of you will be challenged to hold the light but not burn in the light. For each of you the myth of the Holy Grail may become a metaphor for your daily lives. Perceive yourself as the hero and miracles will take place within and without.
坩堝(在火中冶煉的嚴酷考驗)的閘門於6月7日開啟了。 你們每一個人將會受到挑戰,去持守這道光,但不在光中被燒毀。 對你們每一個人來說,聖杯的神話可能成為你們日常生活中的一個隱喻。 將你們自己視為有如一位英雄般,奇蹟將會在內與外就位。
Mercury returns to direct motion on the 11th, many communication problems will resolve themselves soon after. This is an excellent time to review and reflect as you complete unfinished business from 2012 to 2014. The Divine is working to restore you as you work to release fear.
水星在第11日回歸順行,許多溝通交流的問題將會在這之後很快地自行解決。隨著你們完成了從2012年至2014年未竟的事業,這是一個用來回顧並反思的極佳時候。 在你們致力於去釋放恐懼時,神聖正在致力於修復你們。
The New Moon on the 16th brings sudden and unexpected opportunities. The global community will benefit from breakthroughs in creativity. You will find the capacity to enjoy life and cherish important relationships.
在第16日的新月帶來了突如其來和無預期的機遇。 國際化的社群將從創造力的突破中受益。 你們將會找到享受生活的能力,並珍惜重要的關係。
A Moon Wobble on the 27th is active through July 4th. This will surface all that has been denied including intense emotions, frustrations, and insecurities. Maintain your patience and your personal balance, limitations will melt away as July progresses.
27日的一次月球晃動活躍至7月4日。 這將使那些所有被否認的,包括激烈的情緒,挫折沮喪、不安全感浮上表面。 維持你們的耐心及你們個人的平衡,侷限性將會隨著7月的進展而消融。
Beloved Ones, Seek your joy. Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! Open your heart and participate in life with all the energy and passion you can summon. Beloved ones, choose your joy and consider the greater good of all! I am the Metatron.
摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅。 且記得,「返家」的路徑是一條共同的旅程,而它是以共享的喜悅和樂趣鋪設而成的! 打開你們的心房,並且以所有你們能召喚的能量和熱情來參與生活。 摯愛的人們,選擇你們的喜悅,並思量所有最大的善! 我是麥達昶。