Archangel Metatron



Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:  Quiet, Abundance, Storms, Spiritual Progress, Mass Consciousness Shifts, Preparations, Shift, Trade, Economy, Thunderbolt, Fire, Intensity, Peace, Unity, Spiritual Seekers, Enlightenment, Opportunity, Adaptability. 


Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins you enter into a space of quiet before the storm.   The first of this year’s 5 gateways will remain open until the 15th.  This gateway brings in the light of conscious change. 

歡迎來到這個充分展現的水瓶座時代! 隨著這個月的開始,你們進入一個暴風雨來臨之前的一個寧靜空間。 這一年5個閘門通道的第一個將維持開放直到第15日。 這個閘門通道帶來了在光之中的意識變革。

Beloved ones, this is the ascension!  Each of you is beginning a rapid vibrational shift.  You are gaining in awareness and light.

摯愛的人們,這就是超升! 你們每一個人正在開始一種快速振動的轉變。 你們在覺知意識及光明上有所收穫。

This is the time of peace and quiet - a calm period before the crisis energies flow after the 15th of February.  These energies will continue flowing until the end of March and the alignments will continue to effect the world until early Spring 2016.   

這是和平與寧靜的時間 - 在2月15之後的危機能量流動之前,有一段平靜期。 這些能量會繼續流動,直到三月底,而且校準的路線將繼續的影響這個世界,直到2016年的初春。

Throughout February the energy will be driven by the movements and aspects of Venus.  Expect tremendous shifts in the mass consciousness and progress toward a world of peace and light. 

縱觀二月,這股能量將會由金星的運行及面向而驅動。 預期在群眾意識上巨大的轉變,並且朝向和平與光的世界前進。

That progress may require conflict to be expressed for repression has gone on too long and is now ineffective as a tool of control.   These energetic alignments allow one the grace to evolve as quickly as possible, and at the same time shift the awareness of all those you come into contact with.  

這樣的進步可能要求衝突來表達已經持續太久的鎮壓,而現在,控制則如同是一個失靈的工具。 這些高能的校準路線允許了一份盡可能快速地去進化的恩典,與此同時,轉變了那些你們所有接觸到的覺知意識。

Personal empowerment has never been so available..  Each of you beloved ones will receive the stimulation necessary for a greater degree of connection to the Divine Creator and the ALL that is!

個人的增能賦權從來沒有如此受用過。 每一個摯愛的你們將為了一個更大程度的,通往神聖造物主及一切萬有的連結,而獲得必要的刺激!

You may expect your Spiritual gifts to open, allowing you access to the greater world of energy around you.  You may expect synchronicity to manifest opportunities and to bring unexpected change.  Through these energy channels – you will receive creative stimulation and loving light guiding you to the next step in your expression.   

你們可能期待去打開你們的靈性天賦,正在允許你們去接入你們身邊更大的能量世界。 你們可能期望同步體現機會,並且去帶來意想不到的變化。 透過這些能量通道 - 你們將收到富有創意的刺激及愛的光,正在引導你們在你們的展現中,通往下一步。

Creative artists will be inspired by the images in the mind of the Divine.  You are currently benefitting from renaissance energies that will redefine the paradigms of your world.  This will bring you to a new definition of beauty and a new value system derived thereof. 

富有創意的藝術家將會藉由在神聖的心智中的影像而受到啟發。 你們目前正在從文藝復興的能量中獲益,這將重新定義你們世界中的典範。 這會為你們帶來一個美的新定義,及一個因此而生的新價值觀系統。

In the global political system you may expect the angry words to quiet.  There will be more action by those outside the government than those inside the government.   The public will be demanding, intense, and very active – even violent, as they take matters into their own hands and demand immediate change.  This will force those inside the world governments to take executive action in March – meeting the demands of those they serve is their obligation.  At this time obligations will be fulfilled!

在全球政治體系上,你們可以預期憤怒的言語安靜了。 會有那些在政府外的比那些在政府內的還要多的行動。  公眾將會是要求很高的,激烈的,並且非常活躍的 - 甚至是暴力,就在他們自己接手諸多事務,並且要求立即改變的時候。 這將迫使那些在世界各國政府內部的對象們採取行政措施 - 滿足那些他們所服務的對象則是他們的義務。 在這一次,義務將被履行。

Use the quiet that February offers to sleep, dream, recover, and recharge.   Prepare well for March’s dynamic and demanding environment.  Although the world is filled with unrest, personal healing is available to all.  Seek to cultivate compassion and gentle, loving kindness for all beings co-existing in your world.

運用2月份所釋出的安靜去睡覺,作夢,修復,及重新充電。 為3月份的動態及正在高要求的環境做好準備。 儘管這個世界充滿了動盪,個人的療癒對萬物則是派得上用場的。 尋求去為所有共同存在你們世界的眾生,培植慈悲心及溫和,和慈愛。

The full moon is on February 3rd and this activates the world point and activates the eclipse cycle that will manifest in March.  This Moon brings progress within the global community and agreement will be reached. 

滿月是在2月3日,而這激活了這個世界的要點,並且激活了那會顯化在3月份的日蝕週期。 這個月亮帶來了全球社群內的進展,協議將會被達成。

The new Moon February 18th  is a Supermoon and it will place energetic focus on crop forecasts and changes in economic standing.  Expect changes in agribusiness and the technological side of growing food.   This energy will be supportive of your creative abilities and you may find that your dream of romantic love is fulfilled at this time.

2月第18日的新月是一個超級月亮,它將會把高能的焦點定位在農作物預測,還有在經濟景況上的變化。 預期在農產企業,及種植糧食技術方面的變化。 這股能量對於你們的創意能力將會是富有支持力的,而且你們可能會發現,你們所夢想的浪漫的愛在這時候被履行了。

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Lose yourself to a collective sense of purpose and enjoy greater powers of creation.  Hold on to your dreams and maintain faith in the unseen.  February’s energies offer you hope.   I am the Metatron.

摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅。 丟掉自我,走向一份集體的目的感。 並且享受這偉大的造物力量。 持守住你們的夢想,在看不見的事物上維持信念。 2月份的能量為你們釋出希望。 我是麥達昶。
