Archangel Metatron

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina

October 2013

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:  Return, quiet, renewal, negotiation, marriage, partnership, justice, equality, affliction, diplomacy, balance, refinement, economy, crisis, mastery, foundations,  Be-ing, Do-ing, Having, and Dancing.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins the energy is quiet – it is as if the Universe is holding still.   You will find yourself engaged in learning situations throughout October.  The energy compels you to create change through stability and hard work.  Beloved ones prepare for this - existing situations will undergo change.  Unstable systems will collapse and relationships that are struggling may end.  On the world stage these aspects will have tremendous impact in foreign relations and government. 

Throughout the month Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus create a triangulation that will reveal the essence of your spirit.  Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto also triangulate and I call this alignment the “miracle maker” You may experience a spiritual opening or be “filled” with knowledge of what is to come.  Your subconscious self makes a connection to the deepest foundations of life.  Your personal emotional connections, family and job stability, personal assets, and motivation in life will be areas of change and evolution.   This alignment brings idealism and faith.  Individuals must hold to the thought that anything is possible.  If you believe that is true then it will be so. 

As each of you dear ones hold your dreams firmly in mind the mass consciousness will shift.  With the eclipse cycle opening this month and continuing through November this focus will bring practical solutions at a collective level.   The world needs the miracles of peace, harmony, and cooperation now.  This IS the 11th hour!   

The new moon on the 4th brings Iran and Panama into the spotlight.   The eclipse cycle opening on the 10th (resulting from this energy flow) will bring change with tremendous opposition involved.  Perhaps change will come about as a result of an terrorist attack or public opposition to the government.  Perhaps change will manifest because of war.  Expect a breakdown in government authority due to financial stress.   I describe the outcome of this event as affliction.   

For the United States and the European Union this lunation brings fragmentation and a lack of cohesion at collective levels (government).  Individual interests will be the focus and resolution of conflict will be unlikely unless the mass consciousness shifts the energy through the “miracle-maker”.  There will be a public outcry demanding greater integrity from government officials.  The issue at hand will be the lack of a firm foundation! 

The good news will be that government leaders may craft a plan to reduce taxes and encourage investment.    In some way this will benefit those who work for a living.

The energy flow brings alignment between your will and Divine intention.  Miracles will manifest in small ways and large ways. 

In global politics expect resolutions followed by disagreements, a change of mind and heart, and then another resolution.  Expect that any decisions you make from the 11th to the 25th of October will require revision. 

At midmonth to month end the energy flow will be sharp, edgy, and intense.  You may expect natural disasters as well as human disasters.  Some events that manifest will seem to be driven by pure madness.  This energy flows until the end of the month.  I ask each of you to slow down, take time off, breathe, and call on the “miracle maker” to open possibilities for grace.  Take care of your own consciousness and wait until the energy shifts next month.    

The Full Moon on the 18th is a lunar eclipse.  This eclipse will bring a focus on North Africa.   Libya will be in the political spotlight for the US and the UK.  Actions and the failure to take action will be issues for months to come.   The energy will be heavy and dramatic, demanding accountability and discipline.    These energies culminate what began at the New Moon.   No matter what circumstances manifest - there will seem to be a quality of destiny or fate.  

You will find an outlet in charitable and spiritual activities.   Kindness and spirituality will open doors and redirect the pressure and stress October manifests.      

Mercury turns retrograde on October 21 and communications will be problematic after this date.  The positive aspect is whatever is lost will be found, debts owed to you may be repaid.  Romance will work well for all of you - as long as the energy is flowing.   Old relationships may come around again for re-evaluation and reunion.   Government, foreign relations, and economic legislation may benefit from this energy flow. 

On October 21st the Gate of Becoming opens.  This energetic gateway remains open until December 31, 2013.  In the process of becoming - all is revealed.   There may be dramatic earth changes, political shifts, and changes of government.  You must be ready for anything. 

Beloved ones, seek your joy.  The beginning of manifestation will arrive by year end.

Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  I am the Metatron.