Archangel Metatron

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina

July 2015
Beloved ones, the keywords I give for your meditation and contemplation this month are  loyalty, truth, fidelity, integrity, solutions, and awareness.

Welcome to the anchoring of the Age of Aquarius! The energies guiding the human family into a new reality continue to progress.  These energies link the past to the present and thereby begin to form the future.  The past will be re-energized and major issues will be repeated.  This is the time for resolution in your personal lives and within the collective community.   You may expect this energy to play out as emotional and relationship drama mirrored by political drama in your local community and the global collective around you. 

You may expect Russia, Cuba, Germany and Vietnam to be a part of the global focus for the next three months.  England and the United States will be of secondary focus as enmity is healed. 

Within the greater community you may expect improvements in the national economy and better financial conditions in your life.  Tremendous beneficial energies are flowing  sourcing  abundance and grace for the human family.

The Full Moon on the 1st may bring violence against a beloved leader.  Anger about misuse of authority may be at an all-time high, as the people resort to violent protests demanding change. 

The New Moon on the 16th will bring turmoil in the job market.  You will be sorely tempted to misuse whatever power you have.  It is critical that you focus on empowerment of self and others rather than control or revenge for your personal suffering.  One of the great lessons required of each of you is to learn to forgive.  This Moon cycle brings forth that opportunity.  You may reveal the grandeur of your being or wallow in the depths of your misery, it is your choice.

The Blue Moon on the 31st brings communication and solutions.  This is a time of miracles!  There will be good news to share.  Others will be receptive to your message, this is the time to connect, network, and promote yourself.   

The revealing that has been underway will bring to light all that has been hidden.  Do not expect anyone to keep things confidential or respect secrets.  The purpose of this process is to learn to live from transparency.   Live from truth, trust, and align with your deepest values.  Your needs will be met through the ever flowing love of the Divine Creator.

I ask you to meditate on your life, write down all that you wish to release, then burn the writing.   Free yourself through ritual as well as physical action.  This magical time requires clarity, courage, and emotional depth. You will come to understand the choices that are before you now.   Know that life-long patterns, personal problems, and situations may be resolved within this month.  July will bring tests and trials.  This will not be an easy month, but the personal progress you make will be worth it! 

Beloved Ones, seek your joy.  July bring the shimmering light visible at the end of a long dark passage.  It is a month of tremendous opportunity ensuring evolution.  If you use this energy well you may experience a personal miracle manifesting your deepest desire and fulfilling your destiny.  All that you need is at hand.   Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  I am the Metatron.