Archangel Metatron

September 2014


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:   Wisdom, Silence, Vitality, Creativity, Satisfaction, Precision, Perfection, Rituals, Results, Work, Health, Hygiene, Dependents, Industrious, Clearing and Cleaning, and Call to Action, Contemplation, Grounded, and Partnerships.


Welcome to the full expression of genius, awareness, and hope.  The cycle of human evolution has brought about the Age of Aquarius. Humankind is entering a cycle that will bring forth events that make history.  This cycle also opens humans to awareness of their own Divine perfection.  Each of you carries within your energy blueprint the entire manifestation of the Creator.  This represents your potential.    September begins the process of transformation that will allow you to realize this potential.  In some way each of you will begin to take the first steps toward personal perfection. 

歡迎來到完全展現的天才,覺知意識,和希望之中。 人類進化的週期已經帶來了水瓶座的時代。 人類正在進入一個週期,這將帶出創造歷史的事件。  這個週期同時打開了人類對於他們自身神聖完美的覺知意識。 你們每一個人在你們的能量藍圖中都攜帶了造物主全部的彰顯。 這代表了你們的潛力。 9月開始了轉化的過程,這將允許你們去發揮這一份潛力。 在某種方式下,你們每一個人將開始去邁出個人盡善盡美的第一步。

September is optimistic and the energy will bring positive outcomes at a mundane level.   It also stimulates you from the higher, Divine aspects.  The energy flow is enthusiastic and will stimulate your creativity.  You will find you have the ability to innovate and manifest unique solutions.  Small breakthroughs may become much larger in scope eventually finding global application. 

9月是樂觀的,而這股能量將在一個世俗的層面上,帶來正面的結果。 它同時從更高,更為神聖的面向激勵了你們。 這股能量流是滿腔熱忱的,並且將刺激你們的創造力。  你們會發現你們擁有去創新,並且去顯化獨特解決方案的能力。 


As September begins each of you embark on a theme of pairing.  You will merge your Individuality (which I call the “inner self”) with the outer personality which is your “worldly expression”.  This deeply personal inner pairing will evolves a new identity.   From this you will begin to self-craft a new personality and higher expressions of behavior will emerge.  This process amplifies the need for sensitivity and attention to your mate.  Your outer relationship is an expression of your inner connection.  

隨著9月的開始,你們每個人都走上了配對的主題。 你們將合併你們的個體性(也就是我所稱之為的「內在的自我」)與外在的個性,也就是你們「屬世的展現」。 這個深入地,個人化的內在配對會進展成一個新的身份。 由此而來,你們會開始自我的工藝,一個新的人格特性,與更高等的行為展現將會出現。 這個過程放大了靈敏度的需求,並且放大了你們對伴侶的注意力。  你們的外在關係是你們內在連結的一種展現。

Many of you may feel compelled to create a new routine for life.  Some will begin to work on evolving their bodies, others will focus on the mind, some will seek to connect with the Divine and evolve spiritually.  You will become more efficient and find that you are able to perceive details clearly. 

你們許多人可能感到不得不去為生活創造一個新的常規例程。 有些人會開始去致力於改善他們的身體,其他人會將重點放在心智,有些人則會尋求去與神聖連結,並且在靈性上逐步的進化。   你們會變得更有效率,並且現你們能夠清楚地去察覺細節。

Whatever you have not dealt with will surface.  This is the time to resolve your life with wisdom and direct action.  The focus is on qualities referred to as the virtues.  I suggest you consider living by the Virtues because they represent all that is good. 

無論你們有沒有處理,都會浮上檯面。 這是以智慧及直接的行動去化解你們的生活的時候了。 這個重點是在所謂的美德的素質上。 我建議你們考慮藉由美德來生活, 因為它們代表了一切的美好。

The Full Moon on the 8th brings a confrontational climate on the world stage.  Midmonth inspires bold statements that bring embarrassment to the speaker and are offensive to those listening.  Controversy ensues.  During this time most people will feel on edge.   Most of you may be caught up in this process - thinking too hard and attempting to do too much.

第8日的滿月,在世界的舞台上帶來了一種對抗性的氣候。 月中激勵了大膽的聲明, 對於演說者帶來令人難堪的尷尬,並且對於那些正在聆聽的對象是冒犯的。 爭議是隨之而來的。 在這段時間,大多數人是會感到莫名緊張的。 大多數的你們可能會捲入這個過程- 太用力的思考,並且正在試圖去做太多。

For those in position to reach the masses this shift in awareness may develop into “political” power. As a result new leaders will emerge and they will bring a new/different message. New leaders in business and technology will emerge sharing unique technology.  The times are truly changing and solutions to the challenges of your world will be manifesting over the next 18 month cycle.

對於那些在崗位上觸及群眾的對象來說,在覺知意識上的這個轉變,可能會發展成「政治上」的力量。 結果是,新的領導者們將會浮上檯面, 他們將帶來一種新的 / 不同的訊息。  在業務上與技術上的新領導者們將會湧現,正在分享獨特的技術。 這個時代是真實地正在改變中的,而在你們的世界中的諸多挑戰,解決方案將會在接下來18個月的週期中體現。

The New Moon on the 24th will bring a lot of conversation but little physical progress.  You may gain relief from tension, pressure, and stress.  Overall the energy is positive as if you have reached a point of release and culmination.  This fortunate time brings sudden opportunities.  This is a good time to travel internationally and to begin a course of study.

在24日的新月將帶來很多的交談,但實質上的進度是較少的。 你們可能從緊張的局勢中,壓力和壓迫中獲得緩解。 總體而言,這股能量是正面的,就像是你們彷彿已經到達了一個釋放與至高的頂點。 這個幸運的時機帶來了突如其來的機遇。  這是國際旅行,並且開始一次研習課程的好時機。

One of the greatest Divine teachings is that in order to expand the capacity to love you must probe and then heal your fears.  In this way September’s energy will reveal any neurotic tendencies you may have. 

其中一個最偉大的神聖教誨是為了擴大去愛的能力,你們必須探討,然後療癒你們的恐懼。 在這種方式下,9月的能量將揭示任何你們可能會有的神經質傾向。 

The energy also brings humble awareness of your blessings.  Beloved one, adopt an attitude of gratitude and realize how much the Divine has served you.

這股能量也帶來了你們蒙福的,謙遜的了悟。 摯愛的人們,採取一種感恩的態度,並意識到神聖已經為你們服務了多少。

The natural rhythm of life cycles is accentuated at this time.  September brings the Fall equinox, a time of natural equilibrium. What has risen will fall, what is on the bottom will be lifted to the top.  Life paths not taken will be reconsidered. Relationships that did not work may come around again for a second chance. 

生命週期的自然節奏,在這個時候是被加重的。 9月帶來了秋天的晝夜平分點,一次平等均衡的自然時間。 已經上升的將會落下,在底部的將被抬舉到頂端。 沒有被承接的生命路徑將會被重新考慮。 人際關係不奏效的,可能會為了第2次的機會而再來一次。


The energy through September will prepare you for the Solar Eclipse to come in October.  The eclipse line of darkness impacts the United States of America from Minnesota to Wisconsin – South through Missouri to Louisiana including Kentucky and Alabama.  It impacts areas of Africa with a revealing line of light.  This Eclipse will stimulate great political acrimony between the United States and Russia.  It may bring earthquakes, storms, and disease to the areas I have mentioned.  I offer this knowledge so that you may be prepared.  Accumulate all you would need in case of emergency.  Set up an emergency plan and practice these arrangements so they will be remembered if there is need.  I do not wish to stimulate fear – but to give awareness of the potential threat so you may prepare. 

為了10月會到來的日蝕,透過9月的能量將會讓你們做好準備。 黑暗的蝕線衝擊了美國,從明尼蘇達州到威斯康辛州- 向南穿過密蘇里州到路易斯安那州,包括肯塔基州和阿拉巴馬州。 它以一條正在揭示中的光的路線,衝擊了非洲地區。 這次的日蝕將會在美國與俄羅斯之間激發政治上極大的惡言相向。  這可能會帶來地震、風暴,與疾病到我已經提到過的地區。  我釋出這方面的知識,這樣你們可以做好準備。 聚積你們在緊急情況下所有你們會需要的東西。 設置應急方案,並練習這些安排, 如此一來,假如在有需要的時候,它們可以被記住。  我不希望激發恐懼-  但對於潛在的威脅保有覺知意識,如此的話你們可以有所準備。

My beloved children, seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  It is time to experience the fullness of love through many different kinds of relationships. This is the time to test yourself and your evolution.    I am the Metatron.

我摯愛的孩子,尋求你們的喜悅。 且記得,「返家」的路徑是一趟共同的旅程,而它是以共享喜悅的樂趣鋪設而成的! 這是去透過許多不同類型的人際關係,來體驗愛的豐滿的時候了。 這是時候去測試你們自己與你們的進化了。 我是麥達昶。

