Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation are:  Calm, Enlightenment, Awareness, Consciousness, Identity, Action, Independence, Courage, Positive Warrior-ship, Spirit, and Perception. 



Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the March begins the winds of change will roar through your world.  The energy is changeable, unstable, and intense.  This will manifest changes leading to the Age of Light.   



The lights will bring transpersonal transformation that is consistent with prophecies of the Age of Aquarius.  My Beloved Ones, the time of oneness is at hand. March will offer many of you a vision of the future that is being shaped by your choices now. 


The energy is progressive, futuristic, and dedicated to technological advances.   Your perception of separation and polarity in the world will be under pressure.  Remember that Humankind is evolving from the I AM to the WE ARE.  As you experience yourself in an individuated state you are also one with all.  All that is exists within the milk of Divine Love.  This fluid binds all beings into a state of oneness and individuation.  Can you experience yourself this way?   Can you find this Fluid of Creation surrounding you?  If so you will make tremendous Spiritual Progress this month. 



From the beginning of March through 2015 the United States economy will be subject to intense transformative energies.  This process ripples out to touch the Global economy and truly impacts the collective consciousness.  Some of the transformational energy may manifest sudden change or crisis.  Any financial or economic crisis will be resolved after the Eclipse April 15th. 

從這個正在開始的3月至2015年,美國的經濟將遭受到激烈變革的能量。  這個過程泛出的漣漪觸及全球的經濟, 並且真正地影響了集體意識。有些轉化的能量可能顯化突如其來的改變或危機。任何立即性的財務或經濟危機在月蝕之後將會被解決。

In the Human world the areas which create separation and polarity are money, social standing, and education.  The process of change must manifest in these areas first to teach each of you that you are not polarized.   For many this energy will bring up fear of loss.  Know that you will lose nothing!  What you have to gain is truly divine – it is eternal in value!   Your economy will change, nonetheless you will still be able to live.  You will be able to buy or trade for goods and provide for yourself and your family.  Local economies will thrive regardless the status of the global economy.  Beloved ones, these changes are good.  Hold that knowledge to yourself and proceed with confidence. 

在人類世界建立分離和極性的領域是金錢、社會地位,及教育。變革的過程必須先在這些領域顯化, 好去教你們每一個人,你們並不是兩極分化的。  因為許多的這種能量會帶來損失的恐慌。 且明白,你們將沒什麼好損失的!你們所要去獲得的是真實地神聖- 它的價值是永恆的! 你們的經濟會有所改變,儘管如此,你們仍然能夠活下去。你們將能夠去購買或交易貨品,並且能夠提供給你們自己和你們的家人。無論全球經濟的狀態如何,地方經濟將蓬勃發展。摯愛的人們,這些變化都是好的。讓你們自己守住這個知識,並以信心繼續前進。

Expect power struggles in the global political theater as well as your personal lives.  Physical warfare and inner warfare will come to your attention this month.  The reason for your awareness to focus on conflict is to allow you to begin to resolve your inner conflicts.  As you do, inner peace will become your state.  Outer peace may begin to manifest as you shift.


Extreme views gain momentum, as they do there will be challenges and clashes.  This will intensify the process of changing the mass consciousness.  This process may be turbulent, but over time your personal values will change as a result of the issues this month brings forward.   During March the transit of the Sun may act as a detonator.   It may set off explosions in the world at large, in politics, or in your personal life.   This process of change may be more subtle than a massive “explosion” but the results will be immediate change.  The changes may culminate as a result of the eclipse cycle in April, certainly they will manifest by the end of the Summer season.
The cycles of time and nature culminate during March.  With the culmination a new beginning arrives.   All life is subject to the cycles of time.  Let this time be the Spring of Peace.   

極端的觀點獲得氣勢,因此這將會是有挑戰和碰撞的。 這將放大群眾意識改變的過程。 這個過程可能是動盪不安的,但隨著時間的推移,在這個月所帶出的議題結果是,你們的個人價值觀將會改變。在3月期間,太陽的過境可能會有如一個引爆器的反應。它可能會在這個世界,在政治上,或在你們的個人生活中掀起大的爆炸。這個變革的過程可能比一個大規模的「爆炸」更加微妙,但這個結果將會是即刻性的改變。這個變化可能在4月份月蝕週期的結果達到頂點,無疑地,它們將藉由夏季的結束而顯化。
在3月期間,時間與大自然的週期達到頂點。就著這個頂點,一個新的開始到來了。  所有的生命都受制於時間的週期。   讓這一次成為一個和平的春天。

My Beloved Ones, believe in yourself and think in new, creative ways.  Remember, the path to peace will come to be as a result of your inner state.  Your consciousness is shifting and as a result the mass consciousness also will shift.  The path to Light is a communal process, no one achieves the fullness of Light Body alone!  You have free agency in all areas!  Use this gift well and know you are created from the love of the Divine.   I am the Metatron.

我摯愛的人們,相信你們自己,並在新的,有創意的方式下思考。  且記得,通往和平的路徑,將會是由於你們內在狀態而導致的結果。你們的意識正在轉變,其結果是,群眾意識也將會被轉變。 通往光的路徑是一個共同的過程,沒有一個人是獨自成就了光體的圓滿的! 你們在所有的領域中,擁有自由選擇權!好好善用這份恩賜,並且明白,你們都是從神聖之愛被創造而來的。   我是麥達昶。




中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina