Archangel Metatron

February 2014

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are divine purpose, opposition, balance, conflict, power, trust, humanity, healing, compassion, wholeness, idealism, awareness, subconscious, humor, choice, growth, evolution,upheaval, stability.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins the light and energy brings many potential situations that will allow you to integrate January’s changes in vibration and frequency.  The light has started a new 22 year cycle, and the frequency began a new 8 year cycle.  Everyone is experiencing an emotional and mental reset.  Each of you may make choices and deal with experiences that you never thought as a possibility. 

These energy changes move each being forward.  The fulfillment of prophesy is at hand as the time of 1000 years of peace is evolving.  In less than 100 years this cycle will be fully manifested.  In order for this to manifest there are changes that must take place in your world.  These communal and personal shifts are forming now.  Beloved ones, I ask that you embrace the tremendous changes the energy is bringing.  Global change begins one person at a time.  Each day the increases in light will move you toward a new world and an expanded experience in life.  Change isn’t always easy, but in terms of your Spiritual progress it will be productive. 

The energy may seem to be heavy, and you may find many opportunities to make “war” or create “peace” in your everyday life.  This process brings your conscious awareness of what “peace” means at the Spiritual level.  Each moment choose peace and mutuality.  Accept responsibility to make positive choices in your life.  As a result your world will begin to shift.  Peace will begin to move into the collective consciousness.   The opportunity to live in Joy is being presented!  Children of Light, open your hearts to pure happiness and trust in the goodness of life! 

February’s energy begins in a state of delicate balance.  Any misstep may result in imbalance and shocking responses from others.  Lessons will follow.  Whatever is limiting or outmoded will be stripped away.  Accept this energy and flow with it.  Understand this, as you are being stimulated to make changes the Divine is directing each of you into your true place, your highest path, and your divine purpose.    
2月份的能量在一種微妙的平衡中開始了 。任何失誤可能導致失衡及來自其他人們令人震驚的回應。教訓將隨之而來。無論是正在限制的或不合時宜的,將會被剝除。接受這股能量並與它同流。 理解這一點,如同你們是正在被刺激去做出改變。透過這些改變,神聖正在指引你們每一個人進入你們真實的位置,你們的最高路徑,及你們的神聖目的。

Mercury moves into retrograde motion on the 6th and remains so until the 28th.  Turn inward and sort through the intense energies.  Seek to eliminate the victim part of your personality and access the empowered individuality.  During this time the energy will teach you about investments versus rewards.  Your desire for security becomes a demand.  Living from a state of “Survival Consciousness” will begin to fall away as you clarify your values and redefine what constitutes security.  During this time you may encounter delays.  Understand that everything happens according to “Divine Timing”!  Beloved ones, you will find your way through independence to interdependence.   This Mercury cycle may bring another real estate market disruption.  If you have a place to live does it really matter what world value it may have?  Can you put a price tag on “home”? Beloved ones, set aside fear, take worldly affairs in stride, and consider the more important Spiritual process that is underway. 

A spectacular lunar grand trine occurs on the 9th offering intimacy, intuition, and physical stamina.  Your self-esteem will be affirmed and each of you will find a new degree of “wellness” manifesting in your life.  Your restored confidence and faith will allow you to get in touch with your inner resources and motivate yourself to achieve at a higher level.
During this time the human family and your personal family will be more important as you gain awareness of the interconnections that support your evolution. 

The Full moon occurs on the 14th and will command balance between your motives and your life story.  The light demands emotional authenticity.  You will be aware of people and things you have taken for granted. This may bring greater depth in your romantic life. This cycle opens the possibility to meet a true soul mate and find a true love connection that will stand the test of time.  Long term commitments may be revitalized as you consider what is truly important and look a little deeper into your partner’s being. 
滿月發生在第14日,並且將指揮你們的動機和你們的人生故事之間的平衡。這股光要求了情感的真實性。你們將覺知到你們認為理所當然的人與事。這可能在你們的浪漫生活中帶來更大的深度。這個週期開啟了去遇見真實的靈魂伴侶,及找到一份能經得起時間考驗的真愛連結的可能性。  在你們細思什麼是真正地重要,並對你們的夥伴的生命看得更深入一些時,長期的承諾可能會重新振興。

Under the energetic stress that is present it may seem that some things are dissolving, disappearing, or breaking down!  This will allow you to experience – and understand what is really important.  The energy aligns your ambition and your emotions.  With this energy flow you will be replenished emotionally.  As always it is said that you find success manifesting from hard work and personal discipline. 
在這股高能的壓力之下,那就是目前它似乎看來有些事情是正在消溶、消失,或分解!這會讓你們去體驗- 並了解到什麼是真正重要的。這股能量校準了你們的抱負和你們的情感。與這股能量流同在,你們將會在情感上被重新補充。一如既往地,它是說,你們發現成功從辛勤工作及個人紀律上顯化而來。

Your daily routines and habits are rituals that support your daily life.  These are designed to save time and sustain your energy.  These habits offer shortcuts and don’t require your full conscious awareness.  Through the Full Moon cycle which culminates on the 14th  you will begin to be aware of these rituals and patterns.  The energy will disrupt the status quo and each of you will learn to live with greater consciousness as a result.  Take good care of your electronic devices.  Back up your hard drive, and make certain your financial paperwork is in place. 

During the week after the Full Moon you may find yourself moving into the SILENCE.  Spiritual Awareness and inner connections will be found here.
在滿月之後的一周 ,你們可能發現你們自己正在進入寂靜中。靈性上的了悟及內在的連結將在這裡被找到。

Month end energies will empower Jupiter and bring many opportunities.  Your only challenge will be grasping those opportunities before they pass by!  You will find relief from struggle and support from the Universe is flowing.  A sense of relief and success may overwhelm you.  Rest well with knowledge that you have lived up to your potential. 
月底的能量將賦予木星力量,並帶來許多機遇。你們唯一的挑戰將是在它們經過之前抓住這些機遇! 你們將發現從鬥爭中解脫,並且有來自宇宙正在流動的支持。一種解脫感及成功感可能會淹沒你們。與你們那沒有辜負潛能的知識好好地休息。

There is no New Moon in February.  March will bring two New Moon cycles offering tremendous opportunities for new beginnings. 

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! This month offers the potential to experience the gift of unconditional love.  Joy will be yours if you have the courage to risk your heart!   I am the Metatron.









