Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:  Revelation, Evolution, Creation, Miracles, Light, and Revolutionary Change.


Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins a new form of creation has manifested.  In mid-November the Akasha and the Etheric worlds manifested a new pattern.  The Akasha and Etheric patterns are templates for creation.  The physical world of experience is the expression of the Akasha and Ether.   As your body creates new cells they will be pick up this pattern.  The light pulse sequences, tonal frequencies of creation, and numeric coding have also shifted.  Each of you has a subtle awareness that a change has come about.   As a result you may be experiencing an energetic rollercoaster as you cope with the subtle changes manifesting in your intellect, your bodies, and in your perceptions.   Full physiological manifestation is still 3.5 years away, but the experience of the energetic manifestation is your immediate focus. 

歡迎來到這個充分展現的水瓶座時代! 隨著這個月的開始,一個創作的新形式已經被體現了。 在11月中旬,阿卡夏與乙太世界體現了一個新的格局。 阿卡夏與乙太世界的格局都是創作的眾模板。 這個物理世界的經驗是阿卡夏與乙太的展現。在你們的身體創造了新的細胞時,它們將會選取這個格局。 光脈衝的序列,造物音調上的頻率,數字的編碼也被轉變了。 你們每一個人都有一種改變已經發生了的微妙覺知意識。 結果是,在你們應對這個微妙的變化於你們的智識,你們的身體,及你們觀念上的感知正在體現的時候,你們可能正在體驗一列高能的雲霄飛車。 生理上完整的彰顯依然還有3年半的時間要走,但這股高能的彰顯經驗是你們眼前的重點。

December will bring awareness of the passage of time.  It will also bring a realization of the potential held in timelessness.   You will learn to seek all that which is similar to you rather than discriminate against that which is different.  These subtle shifts will begin to eliminate your illusions of separation, creating acceptance of all!  You are being challenged to let go of your beliefs and old patterns that have kept you from awareness of your Divine Unity.   Over time this shift in consciousness and awareness will end polarity and facilitate your shift into full awareness of self as one with the whole of creation. 

12月將帶來物換星移的覺知意識。 它也會帶來持守在無時間性的潛在可能的一種感悟。 你們將會學習去尋求所有類似於你們的,更勝於有區別的對抗差異。 這些微妙的轉變將開始去消除你們分離的幻相,正在創造所有的接納! 你們正在被挑戰去放手你們的信仰,及舊有格局,這讓你們的覺知意識從你們的神聖團結而來。  隨著時間的推移,這種轉變的自覺性和覺知意識將終結兩極對立,並且使你們的轉變便於進入自我全面的覺知意識,有如是造物整體的一份子。

December brings pulses of light and empowerment.   It will be easy to be optimistic as your faith in yourself will be strengthened.   

12月帶來了光與增能賦權的脈衝。 要感到樂觀將會是容易的,如同在你們身上的信心將會被加強。

The Full Moon on the 6th brings an active mind and the ability to think creatively.  This lunation will support your ability to shift your beliefs.  You will find that you can take a new approach to old problems as a result.  Prepare to bring in a new world as you let go of what has been.

第6日的滿月帶來了一種活躍的心智,及創造性地思考的能力。 這個朔望月將支持你們去轉變信仰的能力。 你們將發現你們對於舊有問題可以採取一種新的方法來做為結果。 在你們放手曾經的時候,準備去引進一個新的世界。

On December 15th the alignment of Uranus and Pluto echo the events that took place in March 2011.  There may be a replay of these events in the geophysical realm, political world, global economy, and your personal emotional life.  If you are aware, awake, and living as a conscious being you will find it easy to let go of the old and accept the transformation and transmutation that is now underway.    This is one of last stages of change in your personal reality as well as the collective world.   Those who try to hang on to what is will suffer.  Those who choose to embrace their new reality will thrive. 

在12月15日天王星和冥王星的路線走向迴盪了在發生在2011年3月的事件。 這些在地球物理領域,政治的世界,全球經濟,和你們的個人情感生活的事件可能會有一次重播。 假如你們是覺知到了,醒來,並且像是一個有意識的生命那樣生活著,你們將會發現去放手老舊,並接受這個轉化會是容易的,而轉化現在正在進行中。 在你們個人的實相以及這個集體世界上,這是變革的最後階段之一。 那些試圖要去抓住什麼的人將會受苦。 而那些選擇去擁抱他們新的實相的人將要茁壯。

The Winter Solstice and New Moon occur together on the 21st.  This moon will be especially potent and you will find your ambitions are highlighted.  This powerful energetic combination activates the world point and will highlight London and Washington DC.  The Divine is demanding that changes be made in social structure and healing will begin.    You will find your attitude is serious and you will be very practical.  You will have a moment some call “a reality check” and find that you truly understand what is important.  Define what you wish to accomplish for the next year and then expand your goals to include more freedom, independence, and spontaneity. 

冬至與新月在第21日一起發生。 這個月亮將會是特別地強效的,並且你們會發現你們的抱負都是突顯的。 這種強大高能的組合活化了這個世界的指向,並且將突顯倫敦及華盛頓特區。 神聖正在高度要求,在社會結構上作出變革,療癒將會開始。 你們會發現你們的態度是認真的,而且你們將會非常務實。 你們將會有一種時刻是有些人稱之為「現實的檢驗」的時刻,並且發現你們真正地了解什麼是重要的。 為了來年,定義什麼是你們希望去完成的,並且擴展你們的眾多目標去包括更多的自由度,獨立自主性及自發性。

Saturn moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd, opening a new cycle of challenge and learning.  You may be assured that your beliefs will evolve and your spiritual connections will deepen.  You will evolve through education, philosophy, and gain a global perspective of current challenges and circumstances.  You will learn to take appropriate risks, to stretch, and reach beyond your current comfort zone. 

第23日,土星運行進入射手座,正在打開挑戰與學習的一個新週期。 你們可以放心,你們的信念將會進化,並且你們的靈性連結將會深化。 你們將透過教育,哲學而進化,並且對於當前的諸多挑戰及情況將獲得一種全球的觀點。 你們將學習去採取適當的冒險,去伸展,而所觸及的超越了你們目前的舒適區。

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the Divine awareness of oneness!   As you gather together and celebrate realize that a new reality as well as New Year are dawning.   I am the Metatron.

摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅。 且記得,「回家」的路徑是一條共同的旅程,而它是以一體的神聖覺知意識鋪設而成的! 在你們一同相聚與慶祝的時候,且意識到一個新的實相,以及新的一年正在現生曙光。 我是麥達昶。
