Archangel Metatron

August 2014

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are  challenges, direction, evolution, miracles, light, politics, food, light, beneficence, structure, community, economic direction, ideals, unexpected, insights, success, and joy!


Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins all potentials exist.  The energy flow opens you to creativity, romance, and an intense need to connect with your Inner Child.   You will find the motivation that will allow you to work on relationships and bring more joy into your expression. 

歡迎來到這個充份展現的水瓶座時代! 隨著這個月開始了所有存在的潛在可能。 這股能量流打開你們通往創造力,浪漫史,還有去和你們內在小孩聯繫的強烈需求。 你們將找到那會讓你們去致力於人際關係的動機,並且把更多的喜悅帶進你們的表達中。

The energy flow through early August is playful and carefree.  The energy stimulates your idealism and your creativity.  Will you use this to express yourself as a revolutionary or a visionary?   Will you express through physical power or spiritual awareness.  Economic opportunities are flowing.  A hobby may become a second source of income. 

流過8月初的這股能量是嬉戲般與無牽掛的。 這股能量流刺激了你們的理想主義,還有你們的創造力。 你們會運用這股能量,有如一位革命者或一位遠見者那樣地去表達你們自己嗎? 你們會透過身體的力量或是靈性上的了悟來表達呢。經濟的機遇都正在流動中。 一項嗜好可能變成第二份收入的來源。 

The Full Moon on the 10th is a supermoon activating power aspects.   This is a good time for a vacation.  Leave your electronic devices and newspapers behind - enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.  During this time you will be inspired and inspirational to others. 

第10日的滿月是一個超級大月亮,正在激活力量的諸多面向。 這是一個度假的好時候。 把你們的電子用品和報紙留在身後- 享受大自然的平靜與安靜。 這段期間你們將受到啟發,並且鼓舞其他人。


The energy of late August aligns, creating a Yod (also called the finger of God).  Allow this to point you to your true path, true place, and your true identity.   This energy will be intense, passionate, and deep.   As you flow with these energies use choice and intentionally direct the energy so that you may thrive.    The greatest risk is that you will do nothing and waste the energy flow.  Your responsibility in life is to manifest your inner vision as reality.   

這股能量在8月下旬對齊了,創造一只上帝之手(也被稱為上帝的手指)。 允許其為你們指出你們的真實路徑,真實定位,及你們真實的身分。 這股能量將會是激烈的,充滿激情,並且深入的。 當你們與這些能量同流時運用選擇,並且刻意地導引這股能量,如此一來你們可能會茁壯成長。 最大的冒險會是你們什麼都不做,並浪費這股能量流。 你們在生命中的責任是去顯化你們的內在願景作為實相。

The outer planets represent the collective consciousness.  They form strong aspects with the moon and inner planets representing personal consciousness.  These alignments happen over a brief period of time – this intensifies the energy dramatically.  The energy will disrupt established patterns and break things up.  Many of you will be exploring expressions of power.   For example there is the power of a gun and the power of idealism.  Power may be expressed through conflict, terrorism, or through demonstrations.  How will you express your personal power and what will you contribute to the collective consciousness?   

外行星呈現了這股集體意識。  它們與月亮形成強烈的面向,而內行星正在呈現個人的意識。 這些路線對齊發生在一個短暫的時間週期-  這戲劇化地加劇了這股能量。 這股能量會毀壞已經建立的格局,並分裂事物。  你們當中有許多人將會探索展現的力量。  比如,有一把槍的力量,與理想主義的力量。 力量可能會透過衝突、恐怖主義,或是透過示威活動而展現。 你們會如何表達你們個人的力量 ,你們將貢獻給集體意識的會是什麼呢?

The Finger of God will direct your attention to unexplored potential.  Many may find visions of the times ahead.  Beloved ones, this is the crest of the wave of change that has been building.  As it arrives at mid-month, this will direct each of you to a higher vibration and expanded state of awareness.

上帝的手指將把你們的注意力導向未開拓過的潛能。 時間到來時,許多人可能會找到願景。 摯愛的人們,這是那些已經被建立的變革浪潮的波峰。 隨著它在月中到來了- 這會將你們每一個人導引到一個更高的振動,和被擴展的覺悟境界。

The New Moon on the 25th highlights health, welfare, and efficiency.   You may view the world through rose colored glasses or experience a Spiritual awakening.  During this time the Divine feminine is dominant and it is time to let go of emotional baggage. 

在第25日的新月突顯了健康,福利和效率。你們可能會透由過度樂觀的想法,或體驗一次靈性上的覺醒來檢視這個世界。 在此期間,神聖的女人味是佔主導地位的,這是去放掉情感包袱的時候了。

This energy may inspire you creatively, it may also stimulate you to clean house, clear your desk, and organize.  You may also “clean house” emotionally.  Expect many forms of “house cleaning” in communal organizations and at the government level.

這股能量可能富有創造力地啟發你們,它可能同時刺激你們去清潔房子,清理你們的辦公桌,並且有條理。 你們也可以在情感上「清理門戶」。預期在公共的組織和政府層面有許多「清理門戶」的形式。

Beloved ones, the path of return is open!  Accept the opportunities the Divine presents.   The energy will support you rather than challenge you.  These influences offer humankind the opportunity to shift the mass consciousness by choosing joy.  When humankind has moved beyond the energies of polarity a new path, a new way will result.  Remember that complex and volatile energies can produce very positive, uplifting events taking each of you higher on the path home.  The path home is called Joy!   I am the Metatron.                      

摯愛的人們,回歸的路徑是開啟的! 接受神聖所呈現的機遇。 這股能量將支持你們,更勝於挑戰你們。 這些造成的影響,藉由正在選擇的喜悅,為人類釋出了去轉變大眾意識的機會。當人類已經超越了兩極化能量的時候,結果將是一條新的路徑,一種新的方式。  且記得,這複雜且易失的能量可以產生非常正面,使得事件提升,帶著你們每一個人走上更高的歸家路徑。 這條歸家路徑叫作喜悅! 我是麥達昶!

