Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are  Unity, Flow, Adjustment, Success, BLISS, tests, alchemy, gold, risk, imagination, teaching, learning, power, domination, opportunity, harmony,
摯愛的人們,這個月我給予你們用來冥想和靜思的關鍵字是  團結、流動調整、成功、福佑、考驗、煉金術、黃金、風險、想像力、教學、學習、權力、管轄、機遇、和諧,

Beloved ones, as August begins the energy flow unite heaven and earth in ways that have never before manifested.  August will anchor this energy and humankind will begin the process of manifesting a new world.  The flow of light between the divine realm and the physical world is in the process of balancing.  In your personal life you will find solutions and overcome any challenges that are present in your practical experience.  You must accept change and come to terms with this process in your life.   Learn to conserve energy and define where you choose to expend this precious resource.  Spiritual growth and wisdom will be the result of choosing to adjust. 
摯愛的人們,如同8月開始了這股天堂與大地合流的能量流方式,這是過去從未被顯化過的。  8月將定錨這股能量,而人類將開始體現一個新世界的進程。在神聖境域及這個物理世界之間的光之流,正處於平衡的過程。 在你們的個人生活中,你們會找到解決方案,並克服在你們實際經驗中的任何挑戰。你們必須接受改變,並且在你們的生活中與這個進程達成協定。 學習去節約能量,並界定出你們要將這份珍貴的資源用在何處。靈性成長,選擇去調節,智慧將會是結果。

August begins with a moon wobble, avoid pride, egotism, and willfulness.  Use this energy to evaluate your personal way of being in the world.  Subconscious factors will rise into your awareness and deep problems that have evolved over time will move into your awareness.   Determine which behaviors support your progress and which behaviors limit you.  Step into a new cycle of being.
8月伴隨著一次的月亮晃動開始,避免自豪,利己主義,任性。導引這股能量去評價在這個世界上你們個人的存在方式。 潛意識的因素將上升成為你們的覺知,而已被進化的深層問題隨著時間將移入你們的本覺中。去確認哪些行為會支持你們的進步,而哪些行為是限制你們的。舉步進入一個生命新週期。

The New Moon on the 6th will raise your vibration and energy.  Make financial decisions now.  Your insights will be clear and choices will be empowered. 

The energetic alignments bring dynamic energy flows and discontent with what it.   You may feel the need to ensure your personal security and well being or alternatively you may be accident prone.  Be aware!  You may feel that if you gather assets, forces, and allies all will be well.  You don’t need anyone or anything.  You are complete.  Where there is opposition seek to create Unity.  Where there is pride express humility.  Where there is anger – find and express love.

The Gate of Judah opens on August 4th.   It culminates on the 8th, and the energy will continue through the 22nd.    Throughout this Gateway the energy flow from Regulus will manifest the coming of the King of Time.   The energy flow places your focus on your karmic path, bringing consequences and rewards.  It will reveal your next step, and ensure your evolution.  You will not be allowed to rely on whatever you have already mastered.  Instead, you will be required to expand, to learn something new.  
8月4日猶大的閘門敞開了。會在本月第8日達到高峰,而這股能量將持續通過22日。  縱觀這個閘道,來自獅子座α星的這股能量流將顯化及將來臨的時間之王。這股能量流會將你們的注意力定位在你們的業力路徑上,帶來後果和報酬。它會顯示你們的下一步,並確保你們的進化。你們不會被允許去依靠你們已經主掌的。相反地,你們會被要求去擴展,去學習一些新事物。

This gate brings the next step toward co-creative unity for the human family.  Movement toward the ascension and 5th dimensional consciousness begins now.  The 5th dimension of awareness exists outside of polarity, separation, and exclusiveness.  It is inclusive, a state where similarity (rather than opposition) will attract.  Wherever there is an emotional bond, there you will have progress.  Divine grace is flowing. 

The Full Moon on the 20th will bring romance and more romance.  You will remember this as a very lucky day!

This Gateway energy will carry you through the month in a state of positive energy.   Through the month there will be positive times and events, and a few difficult days.  There will be challenges and changes as you continue to integrate the new energy.   This energy cycle creates a consistent thread of harmony.  The energy change August brings suggests that you may learn to heal self esteem issues as well as psychological blocks – and manifest a new way of life as a result.

This month offers you the impetus to take action to manifest your dreams, heal your limitations, and evolve!   Your mental conflict and internal drama over security and responsibility to those you love opens an opportunity to learn a new way to gather information.  Arguments and issues with others manifests from internal conflict within yourself.  Perhaps your creativity and practicality are at odds? 

Children of light, the path of joy is evolving into a state of harmony.  You learn to communicate to demonstrate empathy, this brings increased self esteem and emotional security.  August opens the way toward co-creative oneness within the everyday world.    I am the Metatron.

第七道光射線神秘學校版權所有2009 .